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rlefer is a R package that provides an interface to the Jobard and Lefer (1997) algorithm implemented in C++. You can use this algorithm to draw non-overlapping and evenly-spaced curves in a flow field (or a “vector field” if you prefer to call it this way).

If you want deep details about how the algorithm works, there is a scientific paper (Jobard and Lefer 1997) that describes it. But you might find this article useful as well.

A first example

In order to draw any curve with rlefer, we first need to generate a flow field. One important detail, this flow field needs to be a square (width equal to height).

Generating a flow field

As a first example, let’s draw evenly-spaced curves in a flow field with 120x120 dimensions. We can generate such flow field with the ambient R package like this:

flow_field_width <- 120
flow_field <- noise_perlin(c(flow_field_width, flow_field_width))

To make the flow field stronger and more violent, I scale the values in the flow field by multiplying them by \(2\pi\):

flow_field <- 2 * pi * flow_field

We can visualize this flow field as a grid of angle values, like this:

#> ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
#>  dplyr     1.1.4      readr     2.1.5
#>  forcats   1.0.0      stringr   1.5.1
#>  ggplot2   3.4.4      tibble    3.2.1
#>  lubridate 1.9.3      tidyr     1.3.1
#>  purrr     1.0.2     
#> ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
#>  dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
#>  dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
#>  Use the conflicted package (<>) to force all conflicts to become errors

build_grid_df <- function(angles, n) {
    x = rep(seq_len(n), each = n),
    y = rep(seq_len(n), times = n),
    value = angles |> as.vector()

visualize_grid <- function(grid, n){
  # Calculate the n^2 lines
  grid <- grid %>% 
      line_id = seq_len(nrow(grid)),
      xend = cos(value),
      yend = sin(value),
  # Spread the lines across the grid
  grid <- grid %>% 
      xend = xend + x,
      yend = yend + y
  # Plot these lines
  u <- "inches"
  a <- arrow(length = unit(0.025, u))
  ggplot(grid) +
        x = x, y = y,
        xend = xend,yend = yend,
        group = line_id
      arrow = a
    ) +
      xlim = c(0,n), ylim = c(0,n)
    ) +

grid <- build_grid_df(flow_field, flow_field_width)
visualize_grid(grid, flow_field_width)

How curves are drawn in rlefer?

The functions from rlefer draws curves by walking through the flow field. In other words, we start somewhere in the flow field, and we start to walk by following the direction of the angle values we encounter trough the flow field.

As we walk trough, we record the x and y coordinates of each step we take, and, at the end of the process, we will have a sequence of points, that we can connect to form a curve. So each curve drawn by rlefer is essentially a sequence of points that we can connect to visualize the curve they represent.

If we do that with ggplot2 for example, we can use geoms such as geom_path() or geom_line() to visualize these curves.

Drawing evenly-spaced curves with rlefer

Now that we have our flow field prepared, we can start to draw curves into this flow field.

Here, you want to decide if you want to draw curves that are not only non-overlapping, but also, curves that are evenly-spaced between each other.

If you want to avoid overlapping curves, and want to have full control over the starting points of each curve, you should use the rlefer::non_overlapping_curves() function. This function uses just the part of the Jobard and Lefer (1997) algorithm that is responsible for the overlap checking to draw non-overlapping curves.

In contrast, if want to both avoid overlapping curves, and also want your curves to be evenly-spaced between each other, the, you should use the rlefer::even_spaced_curves() function, which takes full advantage of the Jobard and Lefer (1997) algorithm to draw curves that are both non-overlapping, and also, are evenly-spaced between each other.

As our first example, let’s consider we want to draw both non-overlapping and evenly-spaced curves. That is why we are going to use the rlefer::even_spaced_curves() function.

To use this function we want to set some variables. First, we want to decide the point where in the flow field we are going to start drawing curves. This a single point, and going to be the starting point of the first point drawn in the flow field.

So, if you ask the function to draw 100 curves, it will first draw a single curve from the x and y coordinates you gave as the starting point. And then, the function will start to draw the remaining 99 curves, by picking starting points that are d_sep of distance from the curve. So all remaining curves are automatically derived from this first curve drawn.

In our example, I will set the starting point to x = 45 and y = 24. These numbers need to be inside the flow field bounds. So both x < flow_field_width and y < flow_field_width needs to be true.

Let’s start by drawing 100 curves. We will walk 40 steps (n_steps) in each curve, and in each step, and we will walk a distance of 1% of the flow field width (step_length) in each step. If you raise the number of steps taken, the curves drawn will be longer, otherwise, they will look shorter.

Also, if you raise the distance taken in each step, your curve will be longer. But the curve you get as result, might be not very precise, and will probably look a bit ugly. If you set this number too low, you curve will look short even if the number of steps taken for each curve are very high. So, be careful with this number, don’t set it to high or too low. 1% of the flow field width is usually a good number.

Now, the distance between each curve (d_sep), which is called as the “separating distance” here, will be 1.0. The algorithm will constantly check if each curve is at a minimum distance of d_sep from each of it’s neighbors.


n_steps <- 40
n_curves <- 100
min_allowed_steps <- 5
step_length <- 0.01 * flow_field_width
d_sep <- 1.0

# The coordinates x = 45 and y = 24 are used as the starting point:
curves <- even_spaced_curves(
  45, 24,

ggplot(curves) +
    aes(x, y, group = curve_id)
  ) +
    xlim = c(0, flow_field_width),
    ylim = c(0, flow_field_width)
  ) +

If we raise the number of steps, we will get longer curves, and the spatial distribution of the curves might change also. Because with longer curves, new spots, or new positions become available to the algorithm as candidates for starting points of new curves.

Also, if we raise the number of curves, then, there will be more curves obviously in the image, and, as a result, the image will look more full.

For example, let’s raise the number of steps to 70, and the number of curves to 300:

n_curves <- 300
n_steps <- 70

curves <- even_spaced_curves(
  45, 24,

ggplot(curves) +
    aes(x, y, group = curve_id)
  ) +
    xlim = c(0, flow_field_width),
    ylim = c(0, flow_field_width)
  ) +

We can continue to increase the number of curves to fill more of the image, until it gets completely filled with curves.

Drawing non-overlapping curves

You might get frustrated with rlefer::even_spaced_curve(), because it selects the starting points for all derived curves automatically for you. And you might want to have better control over where each curve starts.

If that is your case, then, you should use the rlefer::non_overlapping_curves() function instead. This function accepts a list with starting points for each curve.

In other words, each element of this input list, is another list with two named elements (x and y) that contains the x and y coordinates of a starting point. The number of curves you want to draw is automatically derived from the length of this input list.

So the function will draw a curve from each starting point described in this list, and it will constantly check if each curve is overlapping or not it’s neighbors curves.

In the example below, I am using runif() to randomly select starting points across the flow field.

xs <- runif(n_curves)
ys <- runif(n_curves)
xs <- xs * flow_field_width
ys <- ys * flow_field_width
starting_points <- list()
for(i in seq_len(n_curves)) {
  starting_points[[i]] <- list(x = xs[i], y = ys[i])

curves <- non_overlapping_curves(

ggplot(curves) +
    aes(x, y, group = curve_id)
  ) +
    xlim = c(0, flow_field_width),
    ylim = c(0, flow_field_width)
  ) +


Jobard, Bruno, and Wilfrid Lefer. 1997. “Creating Evenly-Spaced Streamlines of Arbitrary Density.” In Visualization in Scientific Computing ’97, edited by Wilfrid Lefer and Michel Grave, 43–55. Vienna: Springer Vienna.